Thursday 19 April 2012

What a tangled web we weave...

Oh why is life so complicated?! Polite (awkward) conversation with N - at his instigation, probably to check I don't hate him and won't make it obvious in the office, heavy flirting sesh with guy I like (not witnessed woohoo; also rather arousing and exciting) and then giant hug from male mate colleague (innocent) interrupted by head of HR's pa. which I'm sure will get back to the rest of HR - who I suspect know about Tuesday. All in the space of an hour.  Ahhhhh!  My mates keep saying my love life is like a soap opera. It sooooo is. I just want it to be simple and easy - but when do we ever get what we want?!  I never thought my love life would be like this. When I look back on being 16, thinking about being 26, I envisaged myself happy but not settled down. I never expected to be recovering from a broken 'marriage' and living back with my parents. I was adamant I wouldn't date a coworker. Oops.  Looking at N today he looks really old. And I'm really not attracted to him. Maybe I am a bit of a guy when it comes to love these days. Or maybe I should actually recognise that everyone is unique and stop making sweeping male stereotypes. But recent events leave me inclined to make sociological assumptions. Maybe it's me? Who the fuck knows. But so far, no one seems to know. Let's keep it that way. I need to leave the little green men alone - too much personal crossing into the professional. But that's how it is here. Damnit.

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