Monday 12 December 2011

Now the other side of the coin - 25th November

So, having criticised my gender, in the interests of equality I will now do the same of men. I believe in gender equality. And as much as I wish as I could say I believe in a healthy balance and moderation, it's not something I really tend to live. The yin and yang theory calls for balance.
As for me, I believe in hedonism, the pursuit of pleasure above all else. Why should life be difficult? Unfortunately, although the pleasure-pain balance is not something I ascribe to, in my experience it seems to be true. And I'm not such an active hedonist anymore, as you may have gathered reading this blog.

But I digress. What's new there Phoenix.
There is a horrific amount of domestic abuse and sexual violence perpetrated by men. 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse. Government figures on rape are woefully lower than the reality, as so many attacks go unreported. But not every guy is like that. Sadly they are not easy to spot, but there are some good men out there.

I'm not going on a massive rant against men. Especially given that no-one is perfect. But a little honesty and communication would be greatly appreciated. Is it  really so bloody difficult to open up about how you feel? You don't have to tell the world, but you SHOULD talk to the person you say you love. And be clear and straight about what you actually mean. Be aware of how your words can be taken.
Oh, and a couple of other things while I'm at it - appreciate that women sometimes cry for no particular reason, and consider doing housework on occasion - it's not the woman's job. Gender stereotypes are ridiculously outdated. And don't leave the toilet seat up. And watch where you pee.

There's a lot in the media about the new man, but given men's ages, how long they have been subjected to certain ideas, our culture and the impact of ascribed gender from a young age, change will be a slow process. The guys I meet certainly don't seem to be new men. I'd never seek to emasculate a man, but a little introspection, compassion and appreciation would go a long way.

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