Thursday 13 October 2011

In vino veritas

This important Latin verb translates as, in wine, truth.  Or as we say it in modern English, when you're drunk the truth comes out.  In my experience that's very true, but then comes the fallout and hangover, in which we have to deal with drunken mistakes.
I've found recently that when my mind is not clouded with romantic complications, I can see things with a bit more perspective and I can actually see what I want from myself, from life and from those around me.
Don't get me wrong, I am still lusty, but this has been diminished somewhat.  Whether this is due to a mental personal weekend (which at least showed me how strong I can be for those who need me) or the realisation that my vow to myself is more important than a reducing-every-day attraction to my colleague - which could never go anywhere given that I have 2 days left at work and will in all likelihood never see him again.  Who knows.  But at least I'm not being driven insane by carnal desires today.  Which is a rather nice change from the other week!

When we diet, our willpower is stretched.  Initially we are going crazy with that which is being denied to us, made all the more worse by the fact that it is a self-inflicted torture.  Although for some the fact that they are controlling themselves gives them a buzz and helps to maintain the denial.  After a time (different length for every person), we start to crave it less as it makes its way out our systems.  Although I'm not sure this is the case with sex, given that a) I'm not addicted, b) we need sex for procreational and health reasons, c) sex is not something that is bad for you, and d) sex is not a substance which can make its way out of your body.   As was recently pointed out to me, I can still have chocolate.  But given that it is not chocolate I was craving, I don't want it.  Factor in the fact that frequent chocolate makes you fat while frequent sex makes you slim, and I have yet another compelling reason to say no to Mr Galaxy.  I am absolutely adamant that I will not replace one with the other.

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