Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Observing from the outside in

In the style of that irritating yet somehow fabulous Ms Bradshaw, I couldn't help but wonder .... (actually I hope that's not a trademarked expression) Is it possible to keep writing about the love game if you've taken yourself out of it for a while?
So as you will realise, I have not had the greatest luck with the online dating experiment.  But on the plus side it HAS given me some fabulous material to write about, as well as food for thought and a dash of introspection (like I don't do that enough).  I surmise (though not 100% positive) that my failure to meet a man is a combination of 3 things: being on the wrong website, being too picky and not truly wanting a relationship right now.  Why would I?  Not like I have time for one, especially as I feel that I need to compensate in order to restore the last 2 years of career slack-off.  But actually if I force myself to think, I have worked hard in the jobs I've been in.  And mostly they have been in the fields I wanted to be in.  So enough moping and self-flagellation career-wise.  I'm still young, I still have time.  And the British tendency to overwork and work to live is one I am trying to suppress in myself.
But I want to continue writing.  I enjoy it.  And I have over a decade's experience of dating, love, relationships and sex to look back on.  Now that's a scary thought.  But these 10 years, in which I have made mistakes, made good decisions, been hurt, been happy, have made me realise just what it is I want from another person.  Lust is not enough.  And I am sure I don't want something until I realise it is the right person for me.  I've given it a try, it's not worked out, so why not fix it when it's broke? But I am adamant it won't be a colleague.  I will not let another person ruin my career.  You can't unmake something, you can't go back in time and not do it.  And once you start down that path with someone, you cannot go back.  I need to be intellectually stimulated, treated well and appreciated, and to have a little fun.
So..... I'm done.  Historical writing time it is.

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