Thursday, 1 November 2012

And so endeth the celibacy...

And thus with a date, the self-imposed celibacy was terminated.  Its incredible to look back on the last year and everything I have learned, experienced and achieved.   At this time last year I could not concieve of being able to manage a year without men (or women!), so entrenched were my bad habits.  I also couldn't imagine being able to trust again after a shitty relationship, shitty break-up and shitty assault.  But I am trusting again.  And I am seeing that there are some good men out there again.  Certain individuals have restored my faith, simply by being quietly there and positive influences, holding out a hand when I've stacked it in the stairwell on my leopard-print heels.  Others have judged me as though I have Leprosy for choosing to no longer engage in the mindless bullshit and game-playing that was my experience of dating. 
And this year, I have learned just how amazing I am, how much fun being single is, and how much I cannot wait to go see my friends around the world and explore, try new things, embrace all the possibilities and options. 
Yes it was a challenge, yes I slipped a few times, but on the whole, I'm glad I stuck to it. I learned a hell of a lot about myself and my life, and I can confidently assert that I am stronger and happier for it.
One of the greatest and nicest surprises of it was learning just how much I have enjoyed blogging.  So I do plan to continue, and continue in this vein - let's face it, Carrie Bradshaw got nothing on me!  What was originally a method of self-control has become a hobby, a source of joy. And given the feedback I've had, as well as now getting published, it's nice to know I'm someone others can relate to.  That's a pretty amazing feeling.  So now to come up with a pithy and witty nom de guerre for my new blog - I can't continue to use this one when the point is the opposite......
Thanks for sticking with me folks :-)

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