Monday, 2 January 2012

Contented - finally!

You cant plan who you fall in love with. You never know who you will meet and what will transpire between you. 
When there's too much build-up, talk-up or hype around something, it inevitably leads to disappointment. Not only that but so much drama is annoying and I think I am too old for it. 
Admittedly a little part of me hoped for a text from mcsexy on nye. But I really wasn't surprised not to get one. I didn't send him one as I didn't want him to just assume his is 'in there'. And my overwhelming sense was of this is just too much game. 
I know many women won't text a guy first but that's not me. I don't believe in playing games.  If someone texts me - no matter who - I get back to them as soon as I can. So the will he won't he routine is tiresome. 
The new year is the perfect time to set new rules for yourself. But the nicest thing is realising this celibacy is achieving its purpose. I am not chasing a man, I am not letting a man rule me, I am focusing on me and my life instead of just romance. So I don't feel down that he didn't text. I don't want anything to happen with him. I don't want anything with anyone. And I'm actually quite content like that. 

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